WordPress Development

When WordPress caching system makes things slower

Last week has launch time for my/Samsys latest and last plugin, an internal messaging system for WordPress websites, developed to work together a custom WordPress product for Pre-schools. The plugin allows registered users to exchange messages between them using a front-end interface ( non-admin users) and a back-end interface on the wp-admin (users with administrative access). […]

WordPress Development

How to install a php linter (WordPress standards) in Windows 10 and Sublime Text 3

For some time now, I’ve been thinking that I needed to get a php linter in my workflow. This little addition will decrease debugging time, letting me know instantly if there’s some kind of syntax mistake, and also with WordPress standards active will instruct me to follow all the coding standards. After a little chat with […]

WordPress Development

Check for duplicated post meta values

Some background For a couple of months, I’m using WordPress as an application framework and this requires some additional validations on post meta fields, one of those validations is the need to have unique meta values, for some post types. For instance a phone number on a “client record” each client has one number and if […]

WordPress Development

Creating a web and WordPress development environment

After installing Ubuntu Server, using VMWare as explained in my previous post, We’ll have a local development environment for our projects that is fully functional but with only the basic features. We’ll want to use a series of tools in our development stack, that aren’t available from start in our installation and also, have the means to easily edit the files inside our server, preferably without the need to use FTP or other tools, after all this is our local stack.